Flux Link

Flux Link is the third internally developed Facebook Instant Game my team worked on at Mobilityware, and by this point we had Instant Game development under lock down-- within a mere 5 weeks, the game was feature-complete, extremely polished, and in geo beta. We chose a deceptively simple yet addictive game in which players must draw links between colored node pairs on a square grid without intersecting.
UI Design
I knew right away that I wanted to go with a sleek, minimal, semi futuristic sci-fi theme for the art and UI to complement the clean simplicity of the gameplay. A monochromatic and subdued UI laid over elegant dark backgrounds brought the gameboard to the forefront, with attractive and brightly colored nodes lighting up gameplay.
Players begin the FTUE by seeing a pair of nodes on screen with an animation drawing a link between them. After making the first link, the rest of the board appears below, with instructions to draw the rest of the links without intersecting.
After making it past the first FTUE screen, players are introduced to the Zone Map. Zones have anywhere between 4 and 15 levels, and are dynamically generated in a polygonal layout. Completed levels light up, and are blue or gold depending on whether the player perfected them.
Tapping on a level brings the player to the Level game board. I needed at least 12 different colors for the node pairs, so I opted to include shapes to help differentiate colors that were similar. Levels are dynamically generated grid sizes and difficulties, giving the game unlimited content.
Various overlays and effects: Hint video ad popup, Level Completion animation still, and a Zone Perfected overlay.
All Facebook Instant Games require 3 base graphics to be made, which are then automatically assembled into a loading screen for each game. This loading screen looks different depending on what device you are using, and Facebook controls these layouts exclusively; I made a template in Photoshop that would simulate how these base graphics would be dynamically populated so that I could better design them to fit together.
Rich Messages
Rich Messages are an important aspect of Instant Games, as they are one of the primary drivers of retention and socialization between players. Friends can ask others for help, the game can notify players about new content, and graphics can be dynamically generated to create things like leaderboards.